Kelly Shea, FDN-P

Helping you find hidden healing opportunities through functional health testing.

Why Functional Labs?

If you’re tired of hearing “Everything looks normal” but you still have symptoms, you’ve come to the right place. While functional health labs are not intended to diagnose or treat anything specifically, they offer great insight into how your body’s systems are working, and if things are in balance. In that way, we can address everything, non-specifically.

Because everything in the human body is connected, just because you have a thyroid or hormone problem, doesn’t mean your thyroid or hormones are the problem. I know - it’s a confusing concept at first! But we call this “metabolic chaos,” when a chain reaction of imbalances eventually lead to symptoms that can be much further downstream from the actual problem. Hormones can be impacted by how well your gut and liver are functioning, stubborn weight gain can be because of toxic overload and inflammation caused by foods and environmental factors, etc. etc.

We use functional health labs to help investigate detailed panels of data points often overlooked at a normal health visit. When you hear “everything looks normal” it usually means “you aren’t sick enough for me to be able to help you yet” - whether that’s with medication, surgery, or other medical interventions. So instead of comparing you to averages of a generally unhealthy population, functional lab interpretation is comparing and aiming for optimal, functional ranges instead. This can not only provide answers of root causes of symptoms, but can also identify imbalances before they become a larger problem.

The more data we have, the easier it is to put together the puzzle pieces and get you back to feeling amazing. Welcome to Health by the Numbers - I’m so glad you’re here!

Who I Am, How I Work, and How I Can Help You

I’m Kelly, a certified FDN-P practitioner who took her love of numbers, data analysis skills, and passion for holistic health, to create Health By The Numbers. I utilize functional health testing to help you dig deeper into what is going on with your body and provide support and recommended lifestyle changes to help get your body back in balance - where it wants to be.

It took me years to figure out what was going wrong with my own body, from cystic acne and hormone imbalances, stubborn weight gain, losing half my hair and losing my mind with insomnia (just to name a few). I fully believe in the power of “knowing your numbers” and looking at them in detail from an “optimal” health reference point, rather than lab averages that tell you you’re fine (when you don’t feel fine). If I had started with this kind of testing years ago, I would have saved myself a lot of time and frustration. I hope to help you do the same!

I get it, this kind of testing can be expensive. For people who are unable to commit to large testing packages at this time, I have designed some of my services to be one-test packages, a lower-cost option while still receiving support and guidance. These do not include a live meeting time, so you will receive virtual results and interpretations through written and/or video that is sent securely to your client portal. I also offer testing packages and high-value memberships if you’re ready for the full healing journey.

If you’re unsure where to start, the new client consult is perfect for me to get detailed information on your health and goals, and for me to recommend where to start with testing. Feel free to reach out via email or the contact form below with your questions!

Let’s work together

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contact email for questions and custom package requests:

Client Wins

  • After a couple months being on my protocol, I have new hair growth, my afternoon energy levels have increased and my anxiety is almost nonexistent. Learning to listen to what my body needs has been life changing!

    -S, in NC

  • I'm sleeping through the night for the first time in decades!

    -M, in NC

  • You have been the most thorough and thoughtful out of all of the functional medicine doctors so far (I won't even do you the injustice of comparing you to my allopathic docs).

    -J, in GA


  • I specialize in functional lab testing and personalized protocols based on those results. If you know what lab you'd like to run, find it in the services page and you'll find all the information of what is included in that package and be able to purchase when ready.

    You can order one test or a bundle of tests together, which includes results interpretation and personalized protocol with limited support. If you are interested in ongoing consults to help keep you on track with your protocol, check under service packages to see current availability.

    If you don't see what you're looking for or would like to inquire about personalized consulting packages, send me an email at

  • Please see the Services page for current offerings and prices. If you have questions or would like a custom package put together, please reach out!

  • No, we cannot accept insurance.

    Supplements ordered through Fullscript are eligible to be paid with Health Savings Accounts.

  • You may want to start with a New Client Roadmap Request so that you can get personalized recommendations for your particular health concerns.

    If you already have an idea of what functional lab you're interested in, you can browse all current packages by clicking here.

    Here's a quick breakdown of some of our most popular labs:

    GI Map: This is an excellent test to run if you are experiencing any gut issues: bloating, digestion problems, IBS, etc.

    DUTCH test: Recommended for any hormonal and energy imbalances. Looks at detailed hormone metabolism pathways rather than a snapshot of totals, with an optional add-on of cortisol pattern tracking.

    HTMA: This is a great starting point if you don't know where to begin. This test has one of the quickest turnarounds, is the lowest cost of all the labs, and can give a great starting point for mineral deficiencies and toxic load. What we learn here can also lead to more personalized recommendations for follow-up tests.

    OAT test: looking at organic acids in the urine can provide insight into the functioning of your metabolism and potential imbalances in the body. Some of the markers can indicate abnormalities in gut bacteria and yeasts, neurotransmitters, amino acids, vitamins, antioxidants, mitochondrial function and liver metabolites including oxalates. Recommended for people struggling with fatigue or energy imbalances.

    MRT test: This is a unique food sensitivity test that looks at hidden inflammation markers in response to common foods and chemical additives. Recommended for people dealing with inflammation or wanting a starting point for an elimination diet. Note: test does not look at food allergens, that is an IgE antigen test.