Mediator Release Test for Food Sensitivities (MRT)

To order your own MRT test with practitioner interpretation, see this page.

There are 3 categories of diet-induced inflammatory reactions: allergy, autoimmune disease, and sensitivities. Of the 3, sensitivities are the most prevalent.

Food and food-chemical sensitivities are a highly complex category of non-allergic, non-celiac inflammatory reactions. They can manifest in many different ways and they are one of the most common sources of inflammation.

This “hidden inflammation” can be hard to measure, and that is where the MRT test comes in! The MRT stands for Mediator Release Test for Food Sensitivities and is the only test on the market that quantifies the inflammatory response to food & food-chemicals, using a live blood sample to measure the white blood cell response.

Just a few examples of medical conditions where food sensitivities can play a primary or secondary role:

  • Obesity

  • Migraines

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

  • GERD


  • Depression

  • Insomnia

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

To read more about the Oxford Biomedical MRT, click here.

This MRT test is recommended for you if:

  • You struggle with any of the conditions above

  • You feel like you’re eating “healthy” but still don’t feel great

  • You are willing to temporarily remove foods that show an inflammatory reaction to see how it improves your overall health

  • You don’t want to have to be actively eating a food to know your immune response to it (other food sensitivity IgE tests can only measure immune response to foods currently in your diet in the last week or two, since it measures antibodies)

This MRT test is not recommended for you if:

  • You are seeking validation for an otherwise known food sensitivity or allergy - the MRT looks at hidden inflammation, and will not cover all IgE sensitivity or IgA allergen responses

  • You are unable to get your blood drawn

  • You have an extremely limited diet already or are not willing to temporarily remove more foods from your diet

  • You live in NY state and are not willing to cross state lines to get your blood drawn (New York has laws against ordering your own blood draw)

Example report example below (does not show practitioner interpretation and individualized analysis that comes with our package, but shows the broad range of foods tested!):


Organic Acid Test (OAT)


Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis